Exercise 6 (A), Composite Mathematics class 7th by S.K. Gupta and Anubhuti Gangal


Hello Everyone welcome to UTUG Education. We will see the solution of Composite Mathematics class 7th by S.K. Gupta and Anubhuti Gangal of S.Chand School Publication.

This is your Chapter – 6 , Algebraic Expression of the book this is the part of Algebra unit which is your 2nd unit of the book.

Key Facts:- 
  • Algebraic Expression represent mathematical ideas and operation in a short way using symbols and variables.
  • Constant:- A symbol in algebra which has a fixed value for example 8,-6,0 etc. all are constants.
  • Variable:- A symbol which can assigned different numerical values is called variable. 
  • Like terms:- Like terms or similar terms are terms which have the same literal factor. They may differ in their numerical coefficients. For example 5a , 3a and 7 a (the literal factor is a in each term)
  • Unlike terms:- Unlike terms are terms which have the different literal factors. For example 5a and 2b
  • A simple expression or a monomial is an algebraic expre²ssion of one term. e.g. -mn or 3x²
  • binomial is an algebraic expression of two terms. e.g. 2b + 3 or 5p - 7q
  • trinomial is an algebraic expression of three terms.
  • compound expression or a polynomial is an algebraic expression of two or more terms.
An algebraic expression of the form  a + bx + cx² + dx³ +.......... where a, b, c, d are constant and x is a variable is called a polynomial in x.
The degree of the polynomial is the greatest power of the variable present in the polynomial.
For e.g.
  • 6 - 7x is a polynomial in x of degree 1.
  • 7x² + 2x + 5 is a polynomial in x of degree 2.
Exercise 6 (A)

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