Hello Everyone welcome to UTUG Education. We will see the solution of Composite Mathematics class 7th by S.K. Gupta and Anubhuti Gangal of S.Chand School Publication.
This is your Chapter – 6 , Algebraic Expression of the book this is the part of Algebra unit which is your 2nd unit of the book.
Key Facts:-
- Algebraic Expression represent mathematical ideas and operation in a short way using symbols and variables.
- Constant:- A symbol in algebra which has a fixed value for example 8,-6,0 etc. all are constants.
- Variable:- A symbol which can assigned different numerical values is called variable.
- Like terms:- Like terms or similar terms are terms which have the same literal factor. They may differ in their numerical coefficients. For example 5a , 3a and 7 a (the literal factor is a in each term)
- Unlike terms:- Unlike terms are terms which have the different literal factors. For example 5a and 2b
- A simple expression or a monomial is an algebraic expre²ssion of one term. e.g. -mn or 3x²
- A binomial is an algebraic expression of two terms. e.g. 2b + 3 or 5p - 7q
- A trinomial is an algebraic expression of three terms.
- A compound expression or a polynomial is an algebraic expression of two or more terms.
An algebraic expression of the form a + bx + cx² + dx³ +.......... where a, b, c, d are constant and x is a variable is called a polynomial in x.
The degree of the polynomial is the greatest power of the variable present in the polynomial.
For e.g.
- 6 - 7x is a polynomial in x of degree 1.
- 7x² + 2x + 5 is a polynomial in x of degree 2.
Exercise 6 (B)
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