Exercise 1 (E), Composite Mathematics class 7th by S.K. Gupta and Anubhuti Gangal

Hello Everyone welcome to UTUG Education. We will see the solution of Composite Mathematics class 7th by S.K. Gupta and Anubhuti Gangal of S.Chand School Publication.

         This is your Chapter – 1 , Integers of the book this is the part of Number system unit which is your 1st unit of the book.

What are Integers?

The set of whole numbers and negative of natural numbers is called the set of integers.

Thus, I or Z = {……-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3……..} is the set of integers.

The numbers +1,+2,+3,……….., etc. are called positive integers.

The numbers -1,-2,-3,…...….., etc. are called negative integers.

Zero is neither negative nor positive.


                                                          EXERCISE 1 ( E )

Representing Integers On A Number Line:

Draw a line and mark a point O in the middle of that line. This point denotes the number 0. Since negative numbers are opposite of positive numbers, therefore if positive numbers +1,+2,+3…….are marked on the right side of 0 mark then negative integers marked on the left side of the 0 mark.


Predecessor and Successor :

Predecessor: One less than a given integer is called its predecessor. Thus, on the number line each integer is the predecessor of the integer just the right of it. In other words, any number -1 is predecessor of the number.


0 is the predecessor of 1.

Successor: One more than a given integer is called its successor. Thus, on the number line each integer is the successor of the integer just on the left of it.

1 is the Successor of 0.

Absolute Value Of An Integer

If a represents an integer, then |a|= a if a is +ive or 0 = -a if a is –ve

Addition of Integers:

Rule 1. To add two integers of like signs, find the sum of their absolute values and place the common sign before the sum.

Rule 2. To add two integers of unlike signs, find the difference of their absolute values and place the sign of the integer which has the larger absolute value before the difference.

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